What does Good Skin Care Routine Means?

What does Good Skin Care Routine Means?

What does Good Skin Care Routine Means?

A good skincare routine is tailored to your skin type and addresses your specific concerns. Here's a general guide that can be adapted to your needs:
Morning Routine:

  1. Wash face with a good Cleanser suitable to your skin type or need
  2. Use a Toner; Toner usually adds moisturiser and maintain pH of the skin after face wash
  3. Use a Serum, serums are concentrates that hep certain skin conditions like dryness, pigment correction, ageing etc.
  4. Moisturizers are necessary to keep skin hydrated
  5. Sunscreen are most neglected part od a good skin care routine. It doesn’t only protects from sun damage but also from the damage caused by indoor high frequency or blue rays

 Evening Routine:

Use same evening routine and replace Sunscreen with Eye Cream to relieve puffiness, dark circles and soothes the strained eyes.

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